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Monday, April 30, 2007
Misty Moose x 3
Yesterday was gray and rainy and I was walking out to our car in our driveway. I heard a tremendous crashing in the woods. At first I though a car had veered off the road. Then I saw, moving behind our driveway, what I thought was a large Clydesdale Horse. Then it hit me that this was a very large moose running through our woods. I dashed into the house, calling for Phoebe (who I did not want to go near the moose) and Don. Phoebe was on the porch giving low "wuf-wufs", but not moving. The moose had gone around the house in the woods and emerged out on our large hayfield and ..... surprise, there were 3 moose, a mother and 2 yearlings!!!!
By the time I got my camera with 300 mm lens, they were far (more than 1000 feet) away, but I tried for photos anyway. Later, we were having a family birthday celebration and the 3 moose came out onto the pond and were eating vegetation in the mist. It was thrilling that we and our kids all got to look through the scope and watch them munching away, oblivious to us. Photo digiscoped from 1/4 mile away.
At this time of year, pregnant female moose are still with their yearlings. In another month or so, when she is ready to give birth, she will drive off her yearlings and they will be on their own. Adult female moose generally have single calves, but have twins in areas with abundant food. Maybe she will stay around. Hope so.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Birding events
Birding events and festivals are going on all the time. You can go to them and see cool birds. For example, the American Birding Association Convention (ABA) is going on right now in Lafayette, Louisiana. We went to it last year when it was held in Maine, but we are too busy writing our new Stokes National Field Guide to North American Birds to go this year. Our friend, Chuck Hagner, editor of Birder's World Magazine (which we frequently write for) emailed us and said he went on one of their birding trips and saw a Red-cockaded Woodpecker, an unusual, and endangered woodpecker. Thought I would show you a photo I took of one in FL.
The ABA has a list of all the birding festivals, check it out and see if you can go to one this year. You can also check with your local and state birding organizations and clubs to see if they have any events near you. Or come and see us May 12th at the Crane Creek/Magee Marsh, Ottawa, NWR, OH warbler and birding event. Getting out to these things is a great way to see new birds.
Photo © Lillian Stokes, 2007
The ABA has a list of all the birding festivals, check it out and see if you can go to one this year. You can also check with your local and state birding organizations and clubs to see if they have any events near you. Or come and see us May 12th at the Crane Creek/Magee Marsh, Ottawa, NWR, OH warbler and birding event. Getting out to these things is a great way to see new birds.
Photo © Lillian Stokes, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warblers are migrating now all across the country. We had our first one today in our yard, singing its little trill song. What a happy feeling, heralding the beginning of the warbler migration. Warblers are probably my favorite group of birds, even though hawks are what got me into birding. Of all the bird groups, warblers are the most colorful and you can find just about every hue of the rainbow on them. Can't wait to see more.
We think if you want to learn warblers, start with Yellow-rumps, they are just about the most conspicuous, abundant warbler you'll see on migration. They winter in primarily the southern half of the country, then migrate to their breeding areas farther north.
The namesake bright yellow rump stands out and is a great clue, even in their fall plumage, which can be considerably duller. Look also for the little patch of yellow on their sides, visible in their spring plumage, not always there on fall birds. One great thing about warblers in spring is that they're at their most colorful, especially the males, and are easier to ID. You can't learn Yellow-rumps too well, so learn them from all angles. The better you know them, the more likely you are then to pick up something different, a new species of warbler for you to ID. You can very likely find Yellow-rumped Warblers in your yard if you have deciduous woods or brushy edges. So on sunny days go out and look and start your warbler learning.

For more help learning warblers we have our Stokes Field Guide To Warblers (173 pp. full color photos) in which we cover all North American Warblers. We invented a special color tab system for the guide which makes it possible for you to look up any warbler by its colors. We wrote this guide because we wanted to make it quicker and easier for you to ID and enjoy this beautiful groups of birds. We sure enjoy them.
Photos © Lillian Stokes
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Visit Stokes at Ottawa NWR, OH, May 12th
We will be at Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge on the south shore of Lake Erie in Oak Harbor, OH, on Saturday May 12th from 1:30 to 3:30 for their beautiful new visitor's center grand opening. We will be signing books, such as our Stokes Field Guide to Birds and Stokes Field Guie To Warblers, and selling our Stokes complete line of binoculars. There will be special discounts and free ice cream as part of the celebration. It is also International Migratory Bird Day.
Ottawa NWR is next door to Crane Creek/Magee Marsh, top warbler watching hotspot and we will be on the boardwalk all that weekend watching all those warblers dripping from the trees. The boardwalk is right next to Lake Erie and runs through a small patch of trees. Inland is nothing but farm fields so the little patch of woodlands is the only good warbler habitat around. The warblers come there to rest and are hesitant to cross the big Lake Erie, so they stack up there in numbers. They wait for a favorable tail wind and clear skies to cross. You can see and photograph over 20-30 or more species of warblers under favorable conditions. Above are photographs of us there last year and some of the many photos of warblers I took.
So come see us!!
Warbler Photos © Lillian Stokes, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Hermit Thrush

What a treat.
If you would like to learn more about bird songs, see our Stokes Field Guide To Bird Songs, CDs.
Photo © Lillian Stokes, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Here It Is!

Hummingbird formula
1 part white table sugar
4 parts water
and boil, or microwave for a minute or so, until the sugar disolves. Stir to help disolve.
Can't wait 'til the hummers return and more migrants show up. No sign yet of our bluebirds or Eastern Phoebes, hope we didn't loose our Phoebe pair.
We'll spend the weekend uncovering the garden beds from their leaf mulch, repairing birdhouses, putting out more Hummingbird feeders, and just plain enjoying the wamth and sun. See you Monday.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Where is Spring?
It is still drizzling after the big storm. The ducks are happy, and we have 40 plus Common Mergansers on the cove in front of our house and other duck species.
As far as the rest of nature goes, where is spring? Where are the Tree Swallows, Eastern Phoebes, Eastern Bluebirds, peepers, salamanders, Wood Frogs, daffodils, tulips? None are here....yet.
The weather forecast is for clearing Friday and warm, finally. Will believe it when we see it.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

It's still raining but the storm is subsiding. Oldtimers here say in 40 years they have never seen it so flooded. We may be approaching the 100 yr. flood mark. Rivers all over southern NH have overflowed, blocking many roads, flooding homes.
This morning we went out and took photos in our our fields, which were soaked, but our home was dry.

Monday, April 16, 2007
More Storm
The powerful nor'easter storm is still over New England. Here in southern NH, we are without power and getting socked with torrential rain and very high winds. Some of our windows and doors are leaking because of the horizontal rain. But hey, I gotta post a blog, right? Our fields are as flooded as we have ever seen them. Good thing our home is on a 20 ft. high hill above the fields and the pond/river below.
Can't even get out to the feeders, but luckily, filled them last night. The goldfinches can barely hold on to the feeders, saw one get blown off. And I can't believe it, but there actually is a Song Sparrow in a birch tree in the lee of the house, singing! Determined bird!
I have wireless internet and my laptop still has some power, but I won't be on the internet much today, don't want to run the battery down any more than I have to. Thank goodness we have a wood stove. It's pretty much a necessity if you live in New England. So we will stay by the wood stove, drink tea, and continue to work on our new field guide. Hope we get electricity restored soon. You don't realize how much you depend on it, until you don't have it.
Can't even get out to the feeders, but luckily, filled them last night. The goldfinches can barely hold on to the feeders, saw one get blown off. And I can't believe it, but there actually is a Song Sparrow in a birch tree in the lee of the house, singing! Determined bird!
I have wireless internet and my laptop still has some power, but I won't be on the internet much today, don't want to run the battery down any more than I have to. Thank goodness we have a wood stove. It's pretty much a necessity if you live in New England. So we will stay by the wood stove, drink tea, and continue to work on our new field guide. Hope we get electricity restored soon. You don't realize how much you depend on it, until you don't have it.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
And More Finches

and go on the ground for the seed spilled by the diners above. We're using hulled sunflower and the goldfinches above drop and spill some of the seeds, lucky for the diners below. The string fencing is actually electric fencing to keep out bears. It does not hurt the birds in any way. More on that in a later blog. The chickadees and other species can hardly get a spare seat. We scatter seed on the deck for the many juncos, doves and other sparrows. Good thing they have the Stokes restaurant.
Friday, April 13, 2007

Photos © Lillian Stokes, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Here We Go Again

We'll just have to wait for spring....and wait....and wait...and wait.
P.S. For those of you out there also experiencing this bad weather, don't stop feeding the birds! This is a hard time for birds because there are so few wild seeds and food available, it's all been eaten over the winter. The birds need you now more than ever. Keep your bird feeding stations stocked and going.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Lillian's Camera Equipment

Here's the answer -
- I have now upgraded to use the Canon 1D Mark IV camera body , which I love and feel is the best Canon body for the type of photography I do.
- Canon 500 mm f.4 IS (image stabilized) lens
- Canon 300 mm f.4 IS lens ( I think this is a sharper lens than the Canon 100-400 f.4 lens)
- Canon 2x and 1.4 teleconverters
- Gitzo 1325 Carbon Fiber Tripod (for the 500 mm lens, love the light weight of this tripod) and Whimberly Head
- Canon 550 EX Flash and Flash extender (most of the time I don't use flash)
- Quantum Turbo Battery Pack
Most of the time, I am photographing birds, so that is why I have the long telephoto lenses. It's hard to get close enough to birds to photograph them, so telephotos are essential. Frequently I am using the 500 mm lens plus a 1.4 or 2 x teleconverter. If I were bigger (I'm 5' 4 1/2" with a light frame), I would own the Canon 600 mm IS lens, but the 500 mm lens is heavy enough as it is for me to lug around, the light weight of the carbon fiber tripod helps.
My preferred set-up for all flight photography and in situations where I can get quite close to birds or need to be very portable, is hand-holding the Canon 1D Mark IV with the 300 mm IS lens with a 1.4 teleconverter on autofocus. I love this combo.
I own the Canon 1-400 mm IS zoom lens and the Canon 400 mm f 5.6 (non image stabilized) lens but I think the 300 mm lens give me superior, sharper flight photos.
This is high end, expensive, professional camera equipment and most of the professional bird photographers I know have this, or similar equipment. Some of the models of equipment I have are now updated. If you're looking for something not as pricey, I would recommend the Canon 50 D, Canon 7 D, or Rebel XT3i camera bodies and the Canon 300 mm IS lens or 70- 300 mm IS zoom lens, or even the Canon 1-400 IS zoom lens, if you want good, not super sharp images. I am partial to Canon, I think it's very user friendly, reliable equipment. Most pros I know use Canon, some use Nikon. There are other cameras out there that could be good, I'm not familiar with them. Canon equipment just keeps getting better and the newer, less expensive cameras keep improving and are almost as good as the high end stuff. Good news, if you are just getting your camera gear.
Of course, getting the gear is just the first step. The three steps in bird photography, as I see it are:
1. Photo Gear
2. Photo Opportunities
3. Photo Technique
The hardest step is the technique. In future blogs, I 'll talk more about all this. If you are just getting started the best advice I can give is learn to use all the features of your camera and practice, practice, practice. This is digital, so just erase your errors.
This is high end, expensive, professional camera equipment and most of the professional bird photographers I know have this, or similar equipment. Some of the models of equipment I have are now updated. If you're looking for something not as pricey, I would recommend the Canon 50 D, Canon 7 D, or Rebel XT3i camera bodies and the Canon 300 mm IS lens or 70- 300 mm IS zoom lens, or even the Canon 1-400 IS zoom lens, if you want good, not super sharp images. I am partial to Canon, I think it's very user friendly, reliable equipment. Most pros I know use Canon, some use Nikon. There are other cameras out there that could be good, I'm not familiar with them. Canon equipment just keeps getting better and the newer, less expensive cameras keep improving and are almost as good as the high end stuff. Good news, if you are just getting your camera gear.
Of course, getting the gear is just the first step. The three steps in bird photography, as I see it are:
1. Photo Gear
2. Photo Opportunities
3. Photo Technique
The hardest step is the technique. In future blogs, I 'll talk more about all this. If you are just getting started the best advice I can give is learn to use all the features of your camera and practice, practice, practice. This is digital, so just erase your errors.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
2 Hoodies

He stays glued to her side during this time because he wants to protect his investment. Ducks (and other bird species as well) are notorious for "extra-pair copulations" where they will additionally mate with another bird. So the male does not want another male coming in and mating with the female Hooded Merganser during this time of egg-laying. Then some of the offspring would not be his. So he sticks close to her side and guards her. Of couse, he might not hesitate to mate with another female Hooded Merganser if he got the chance! And she might mate with another male if she got the chance, and even go and lay one of her eggs in another female's nest!
Scientists think this type of behavior, mating with more than one bird, is actually adaptive, because it might mean, literally, a duck would not have "all its eggs in one basket". If a duck mated with additional other ducks, then some of its offspring would be likely to survive if something destroyed its own nest.
What is happening in nature is always more interesting than what we think is happening.
Monday, April 09, 2007
More Sparrows

Yesterday we mentioned we had 4 Fox Sparrows at the feeders. Let's face it, sparrows are not the easiest birds to identify. All their subtle brown coloring often earns them the name, "LBJ's" (no, that is not a reference to the 36th President of the United States, it means "little brown jobs"). The Fox Sparrows that visit our feeders are a little easier to ID because they are of the very red subspecies, so their foxy color gives them away. They're quite a bit larger than the other sparrows at our feeders, so they stand out. Look at the size difference between the Fox Sparrow and the Junco!

More subtle are the Song Sparrows. We're keeping about 6 of them happy with the seed mixture we're supplying. They're very streaked brown with a brown streaked crown that has a grayish central crown streak. The central breast dot (looks like a congregation of dots) stands out.

But don't think you can just tell a Song Sparrow by its breast dot alone, it ain't that easy. Other sparrows also have dots. At our feeders now, are some lovely little Tree Sparrows. Here's one waiting a turn at the feeders. These little cuties have a rusty red crown, a gray face with a rusty eye line and plain gray breast with a central dot. So try and look more closely at your feeders and see who's there. Let us know if you have any Fox Sparrows.

Sunday, April 08, 2007
Fox Sparrows
There has been a big influx of Fox Sparrows into NH recently. We were feeling left out, but finally, 4 Fox Sparrows showed up at our feeders. The birds at our feeders had that wonderful foxy color. Not all subsecies of Fox Sparrow are this rufous, some are considerably darker. One of the eastern subspecies of Fox Sparrow (Passerella iliaca iliaca) is the most rufous. In the last month the NH Birds list serve has reported over 130 Fox Sparrows from over 30 different towns in NH. Since the weather has been so unusually cold and snowy, maybe we're more aware of them because they're showing up at feeders, or maybe there's just a large "fall-out" occurring.
Whatever the reason, we're always thrilled to get a close look at these large, beautiful sparrows. Look carefully at the sparrows at your feeders and see if you have any Fox Sparrows.
Photos @ Lillian Stokes, 2007
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