Rose-breasted Grosbeak male
We had a Rose-breasted Grosbeak show up at our feeders just a few hours after a friend had phoned us to say she had one arrive. We have also had reports from the mid-west of Rose-breasted Grosbeak arrivals. They have got to be on of the prettiest feeder birds.
Have you seen any?
We had one feeding on the ground under our hanging feeders on Monday April 27th in central New Jersey. It stayed only for a short time and we haven't seen it since.
Also saw my first Baltimore Oriole today. Yes, my feeders are set up with oranges and grape jelly.
I agree, these birds are sooo pretty.
I live in south west lower Michigan. I saw two male Rose-breasted Grosbeak at my feeder Tuesday noon. When I pulled in the driveway that night one of the females was at a feeder.
I agree, they definitely are one of the prettiest feeder birds! I had one that visited my feeder for a few days last spring but haven't seen one this year yet.
no, they are not in utah, but according to my bird guide, they are spreading fast!
I just had one male come to my yard today, so pretty! I had never seen one. I also took pics, but your pics are amazing!
Heard one but haven't seen him yet!
Had a pair of evening grosbeaks here the other day, got some pics...first timer to my yard, I was very excited.
We get r.b.grosbeaks every year so I can't wait to see them again!
Reporting from Saratoga County NY, our first male returned April 27; the first female returned today May 5. Lots of reports from customers as well.
Our first rose-breasted grosbeak arrived May 1, and has been entertaining us at our feeders for several days. We do love seeing them!
No Rose-breasted, but I have seen two other beautiful Grosbeaks this spring. The Evening Grosbeak and the Black-headed Grosbeak. Each is brightly colored, and unique, but all share the large bill.
I had 4 males at my feeders for about 2 weeks. I'm pretty sure there were females too but they are much more difficult to identify. I've lived here in Tennessee all my life and this is the first time I have ever seen them. I was so excited! They are absolutely beautiful. I wish they would have stayed around longer. Hope they return next year. Got a couple of pictures but only have a digital camera with zoom lens, so the pictures aren't great.
Northeastern Pennsylvania. I have never seen these birds before today! I had 3 of them at my feeder for just a few seconds. I had to search the internet to identify them. They truly are beautiful birds!
Cedar Falls, Iowa checking in. We had 10 rose-breasted grosbeaks in our yard and around the feeders at the same time. What an amazing sight. Truly beautiful.
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