Sora, Bailey Tract, Sanibel, Florida. I had fun at this location photographing this rail and other birds yesterday with my Canon SX 50 HS point and shoot super-zoom camera.
Soras are usually secretive birds that stay in the shadows, but this one came out into the sun and the open at the end of the day, hunting for food before the cold (for here) night set in.
Soras are beautifully colored and I love their tail. It reminds me of a White-tailed Deer's tail.
The Sora was on the first water area on the right on the main trail. Here's a long view with an immature White Ibis for scale.
There were many ducks there. I will post more about them tomorrow. Here's a female Mottled Duck, resting in the grasses, but still alert. One of the things I like about the Canon SX 50 HS camera is the fact that it zoom out to 1200mm (and beyond in the digital range, up to 4800mm) which allows you to get close photos of birds without disturbing them. This is a big plus in bird photography.
An immature Osprey sat on a dead tree, surveying the scene, eyes alert. I always am paying attention to the way the light falls on the bird and what subtle and unique photos it makes. One does not always have to have a perfectly front lit bird for an interesting photo.
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Here it is showing the whole body. |
This immature Tri-colored Heron still has rust colors in its plumage and was dramatically posed in the late sunlight against the dark water.
Photography is so much fun. I enjoy playing with the effects of light and shadow and capturing intimate glimpses of birds.
Thanks for your interesting, informative blog, and all the great photos.
The second photo of the osprey nicely shows its ability to turn its talons front to back, useful in grasping slippery fish and aligning them aerodynamically for efficient transport. Very cool.
Thanks to your reviews on the SX50,I have purchased one as well. It cannot replace the Canon 7D with the 100-400mm lens but it will be a fun camera to use.I love your pictures and am inspired by them.
Thanks for these very helpful posts in your blog. The detailed views are especially useful, e.g. the color on the Sora. I also photographed a Sora at Bailey Tract but it was mostly in the shadows. ••• I also purchased the SX50 and am learning to use it, especially getting good exposures while at the fully zoomed (optical). Of course there's no comparison of IQ to those coming out of my 1DX and 500 mm + 1.4x TC, but the SX50 certainly will be useful for those trips where I can't lug along the big rig.
Thanks for these very helpful posts in your blog. The detailed views are especially useful, e.g. the color on the Sora. I also photographed a Sora at Bailey Tract but it was mostly in the shadows. ••• I also purchased the SX50 and am learning to use it, especially getting good exposures while at the fully zoomed (optical). Of course there's no comparison of IQ to those coming out of my 1DX and 500 mm + 1.4x TC, but the SX50 certainly will be useful for those trips where I can't lug along the big rig.
Extraordinary Sora pics! Thanks so much.
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