We're getting Abby used to our "armchair birding", part of our birding lifestyle.
What? Yes, we just got a new Corgi puppy. Remember the Corgi litter that was "just visiting" us. We couldn't help but want one. Her name is "Abby" and she is an 11 week old Pembroke Welsh Corgi. She has the sweet, calm, loving and playful temperment that our Corgi Phoebe has. So we think they'll be a good match for one another. Already they play together, Phoebe being gentle and playing at puppy speed. It's lots of work but great fun. Last night Abby successfully made it through the night in her little crate she sleeps in, without a peep.
Excuse us if we are not as consistent with our posts on the blog for the next several weeks while we adjust to having a new puppy.
Corgi! Does your breeder have any more PWC pups unaccounted for? We have been looking for a PWC puppy for a few months from a reputable breeder. We're on a few waiting lists, but no puppy so far. :(
To inquire about the availablity of other puppies from the breeder of Abby contact Dianne Connolly at her Llandian Corgi website
One is never enough, eh?
Congratulations! Nothing's as wonderful (or, sometimes, as much work) as a new puppy. I look forward to Abby's appearance in The Corgi Cryer some day--keep those photos coming...
Congratulations on your new puppy!
Thanks for the congratulations. When adding a second dog, it's important to get one with the right temperment that will fit with your family. Abby seems to be a good fit. She and Phoebe play wonderfully. It is work though, and lots of socialization and training for the new puppy. She's cute and makes us laugh, that's part of the reward.
What a cutie! Glad to hear Phoebe is okay with it.
I don't have a blog account but I found your page while searching Google images for corgi puppies..needed a little corgi pick-me-up :) Your family is SO adorable!
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