Ooh, what's not to love with this beautiful, male Rose-breasted Grosbeak at our
feeder. It's gotta' be one of our top favorite feeder birds and a lot of other people's as well. Sunflower seed is their choice, which they can easily crack open with that massive bill.
They breed across much of the upper East, parts of the Midwest and across a lot of Canada. They can also be seen during migration through much of the rest of North America. We get them breeding here in NH, lucky us.
Definitely one of my favorite spring migrants! My first-of-the-season was actually a PAIR of Rose-breasted Grosbeaks. Hopefully they will bring their young to the feeders.
One of my favorites too. There were four in our yard this weekend (3 M, 1 F), plus a stunning male Indigo Bunting.
Those Rose-breasted Grosbeaks are beautiful. I've not seen one in person yet. I just had Black-headed Grosbeaks show up at the feeder this morning; a male and a female. I took some time to look closely at their thick two-tone gray bills. Amazing!
I'm sitting here watching two big males on the feeder as I write. I love the shape differences in their red bibs. Definitely a favorite spring/summer guest!!
Wonderful photo. I have seen them around but not at my feeders yet this year.
A true beauty.I have heard reports of them being in the area,so hopefully I will see them soon.
Such a striking bird! First pair of the year showed up at my feeder this weekend.
I had my first rose-breasted grosbeak on Mother's Day and was so happy! He is beautiful! Even when flying off. He made a repeat visit yesterday -- I'm hoping the female is around too! I have some pics on my blog.
Great photo!
Favorite migrant also. Why not a PAIR of Rose-breasted Grosbeaks for the first-of-the-season? I thought that would've been good also.
After having these beautiful birds return to our southern NH backyard for over 12 years, I have not seen any yet and I am a little concerned. Such a warm spring and they should be here by now. Every
year I have quite a coloney. Any ideas why?
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