Friday, April 07, 2017

Migration Has Begun!

Blue-headed Vireo migrant was seen on Sanibel Island, FL at the lighthouse today.

So was this Palm Warbler migrant

Yesterday this Gray Kingbird migrant landed and found a welcome meal.

Today this Wood Thrush hid in the dark underbrush by the picnic area by the shore.

This Northern Waterthrush was found on the Pond Apple Trail, Sanibel today.

This Barn Swallow migrant was silhouetted against  the cloudy sky yesterday at the Sanibel lighthouse.

Many migrants have been coming into Sanibel Island, FL today. Warblers, vireos, thrushes, buntings and tanagers have been seen. But not in large numbers. No major fallout. Many more migrants to come through here, then they will make their way to their northern breeding grounds by end of April and into May. To learn more about what migrants you will see, get our Stokes Field Guides.

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