Friday, April 03, 2015

Swainson's Warbler Bonanza, and Young Birders!

Swainson's Warbler

They forage for insects under leaf litter

Ben, Nathaniel, Lillian

Can you get enough of seeing Swainson's Warbler?s I don't think so. It may not be as pretty as other warblers, but it is a hard one to see and at least three were at the Sanibel Lighthouse park, Sanibel, FL as of yesterday, a near record for there. This Swainson's Warbler was there this morning making many birders happy including these avid young birders and photographers, Nathaniel (age 14) and Ben (age 12) Abrahams who told me they have our The New Stokes Field Guide to Birds: Eastern Region field guide. I love meeting young birders who are enthusiastic and excited about seeing birds, these young birders are the future of birding and bird conservation! For the ground level photo, I was sitting on the ground next to Ben and Nathaniel trying to get some shots of the bird as it foraged in the dark shadows. Cool fun!

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