Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Wild West come to the NH Coast, Rare Birds!

Lark Sparrow

Lark Sparrow

 Yellow-headed Blackbird, male

Yellow-headed Blackbird, male

The Yellow-headed Blackbird is in the very middle of the Starling and Brown-headed Cowbird flock, can you find it!

Western Grebe, (excuse the small photo but it was very, very far away off the NH coast)

We just saw these cool western birds on the NH coast! They're not rare if you are quite west of here, where their breeding range mostly is, but they're rare if you are on the NH coast! Sometimes birds, especially during migration times, fly out of their normal migration routes and wind up in unusual places. These birds were stopped by the coastline. These species have been seen in NH before. Lark Sparrow and Yellow-headed Blackbird (which is barely annual) are considered rare here. Western Grebe is the most rare, with only a handful of sightings before. 

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