Monday, September 22, 2014

Hawks On The Move Now, Its Migration Time!

Ospreys are passing by many hawkwatch sites in the country now

Broad-winged Hawks have gone through New England in large numbers.

Sharp-shinned Hawks are on the move

I never tire of seeing the large numbers of Broad-winged Hawks rising on a thermal

Over 10,000 raptors have migrated past our hawkwatch site.

Hawks are still migrating past many hawkwatch sites across the country. Here we are at Pack Monadnock Raptor Migration Observatory in NH on the day when the 10,000th hawk for the season passed by. That's the second earliest seasonal record for Pack. It is so thrilling to see these large numbers of hawks on their way on their long migration to Central and South America. We wish them safe journey. Be sure and get out to a hawkwatch site near you. Broadwings have mostly drained out of the Northeast but are being seen in southern areas. Sharp-shinned Hawks, Cooper's Hawks, Merlins, American Kestrels, Ospreys, Red-tailed Hawks and eagles will continue to be seen at hawk watch sites for some time.

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