Monday, November 04, 2013

Calliope Hummingbird in NH, 1st State Record

Calliope Hummingbird is one of the smallest breeding birds in the U.S.

This male Calliope took a wrong turn from its usual migration route and wound up in NH

The celebrity bird of the moment here is a a little Calliope Hummingbird, male, a bird from the Northwest who in has strayed far from its usual range and migration route. He is coming to a feeder in Manchester, NH at the home of some very gracious birders who have been wonderful hosts to the hummingbird as well as the many birders who have shown up to view this hummingbird, a lifer for many!
This is not the first time a Calliope Hummingbird has shown up in New England and there are records from other eastern states also. Calliopes have recently been reported from MA and NJ. It seems like more and more out-of-range hummingbirds are showing up in the East in fall at feeders. No one knows exactly why this occurs. Some birds' internal compasses may just direct them east instead of south. Over time that species may have a range expansion if those individuals survive and have offspring. Other people think that having more hummingbird feeders available and hardy plants in a human altered landscape may make it possible for some of these hummingbirds to be in the East in fall and winter.

1 comment:

Josh Wallestad said...


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