Friday, November 29, 2013

Bald Eagle & Stokes Booksigning Dec.1, Peterborough, NH 2-4 pm Toadstool Bookstore

Bald Eagle 

Lillian and Don

The Stokes Field Guide to Birds of North America, and the regional editions, The New Stokes Field Guide to Birds, Eastern and Western Regions

We will be doing a book signing this Sunday, Dec. 1st, 2-4 pm, at the Toadstool Bookstore, Peterborough, NH. Come do your Christmas shopping and get a signed Stokes Field Guide! We would love to see you! Other local authors will be there too.

Birds are so special. We got a Thanksgiving surprise when, just after our guests arrived, our Corgi, Abby, went to the glass sliding door and looked up and started barking. We were all treated to the sight of 4 Bald Eagles (one adult and 3 sub-adults) flying over our mountain view. So much to be thankful for, including our bird-watcher dog, Abby, and also Bald Eagles!

If you are reading this blog post and cannot make the book signing, then be sure to take advantage of all the Black Friday sales and shop online for our new field guides,

Buy Now, click The New Stokes Field Guide to Birds, Eastern Region,

Buy Now, click, The New Stokes Field Guide to Birds, Western Region

Buy Now, click, The Stokes Field Guide to the Birds of North America

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