Sunday, September 15, 2013

1,334 Hawks Over Pack Monandnock, NH, more to come

Broad-winged Hawk against cloudy sky migrating over Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory, NH yesterday

Don, and Henry Walters, right, official hawk counter for the site, scan the skies for hawks

Julie, holding Laurel, and Phil Brown talk to the crowd gathered to witness the annual release of a rehabilitated hawk.

Yesterday, 1,334 hawks, most of them Broad-winged Hawks, migrated past Pack Monadnock Raptor Migration Observatory in Peterborough, NH. It was a good time and this is peak migration for Broadwings. A large crowd came up to see the annual release of a rehabilitated hawk event, sponsored by NH Audubon. Many more hawks are still to come, and there will be a big push of Broad-winged Hawks during the next few days. So grab your binos and get out to look!
All photos taken with Canon SX 50 camera, the Broadwing taken on "sports mode."


Sonja said...

It must be an amazing spectacle.

Wally Jones said...

We hope to see a few as they meander down the coast through Florida.

Wonderful photo!

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