Monday, April 01, 2013

On The Move: Fox Sparrows! Look For Them!

Fox Sparrow taken at our feeder in NH

Note rufous color on body and tail

This individual has a prominent breast dot

Migration update - Fox Sparrows are on the move and are being reported from many birding listserves. Look for them at your bird feeders. The birds we see in NH have that wonderful foxy color. Not all subsecies of Fox Sparrow are this rufous, some are considerably darker. (See our just published The New Stokes Field Guide to Birds: Eastern and Western Regions for complete subspecies and extensive photos.) One of the eastern subspecies of Fox Sparrow (Passerella iliaca iliaca) is the most rufous. We're always thrilled to get a close look at these large, beautiful sparrows. Look carefully at the sparrows at your feeders and see if you have any Fox Sparrows. They like mixed seed and will often feed on the ground.


Brian said...

Minneapolis. Saw first Fox Sparrows of the year today. They say its just a stopover.

LNMP298 said...

I had a Fox Sparrow here yesterday! It was one of four sparrow species in my yard (the others were American Tree and Song Sparrows and Dark-Eyed Juncos). The Fox Sparrow looked huge next to a Common Redpoll!

Anonymous said...

Both a Fox Sparrow, which showed up a few days ago) and a Purple Finch are in my backyard in Sunapee, New Hampshire, this morning, April 14. I rarely see either! They were feeding on seed with Black Eyed Juncos.

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