Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Northern Parula, Canon SX 50 HS, Up Close!

So here's another up-close-and-personal photo, uncropped, of a Northern Parula, female, at the Sanibel Lighthouse yesterday, taken with my Canon SX 50 HS at 200x (4800mm equivalent), 400% digital zoom, handheld, AV, 1/500, f6.5, ISO 400. Note, this is way beyond the usual 50x optical range of the camera, into the far end of the digital range. Challenging shot, because, as you know, warblers don't hold still. This one was feeding, moving through a dense bush, then paused for a moment. That's when I zoomed in for this shot.
Yes, I know, at that powerful a telephoto range the photo is more painterly and not as detailed an image as a DSLR (like my incredible Canon 1D Mark IV) would take. Then again, I would never get this close a photo, without cropping. I am addicted to getting these eyeball type shots, they give you such an intimate and magical view of the bird. I love the power of the telephoto on the Canon SX 50 HS, yet it is so light and portable.
(P.S. If you have this camera and want my tips on how to use it, email me. Email link is on top right of this blog.)


Gladys said...

Great shot, Lillian. Seeing that bird is wonderful but your ability to hold the camera steady enough to take that photo is truly amazing.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful picture. I did send an email to get you Canon SX50 ti[s. Looking forward to learning more about this camera.

Jim Braswell said...

Awesome, Lillian! You do quite a bang-up job with that SX50!

Jim Braswell said...

Awesome, Lillian! You do such a bang-up job with that little camera!

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