Saturday, March 23, 2013

Today's Mystery Bird for the Stokes Big Countdown Bird Quiz,

Only 3 more days left until our new guides are published. Identify this bird and enter the contest to win a set of The New Stokes Field Guide to Birds: Eastern Region and The New Stokes Field Guide to Birds:Western Region.

Contest Rules

1. Each day, for the next 3 days we will post a bird quiz on our blog.

2. Identify the bird. Send us your answer here.

3. If you get the correct answer, your name will be put in a raffle. On March 26th, the publication date of our new guides, we will pull 10 names out of the raffle hat at the end of the day. The winners will each be sent an autographed set of our new guides, The New Stokes Field Guide to Birds: Eastern Region and The New Stokes Field Guide to Birds: Western Region.

4. You can enter the contest each day, but you will only win one set of books.
Remember to send your answers by filling out the email form here.

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