Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Peregrine Falcon at Sanibel Lighthouse

Christmas Peregrine Falcon, adult of the anatum subspecies, at Sanibel Lighthouse this morning. There were lots of birders, photographers, tourists, an occasional appearance of a Razorbill, lots of Red-breasted Mergansers, and this Peregrine, who was chasing terns and looking for its Christmas present. (Photos taken with my Canon SX 40 HS from quite a distance from 100 to 195% digital zoom).
Merry Christmas everyone!


Bob Pelkey said...

It was great to finally meet you both. I hope to have the opportunity again in the future. The bird observations with Hemant Kishan were indeed excellent this morning at the Sanibel Pier. After observation of the Razorbill, a sighting of the Horned Grebe would have made the morning exceptional.

Kevin said...

Merry Christmas to both of you. Nice shots of the Peregrine!

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