Friday, October 05, 2012

Northern Harrier, raptors still migrating

Had a Northern Harrier fly over our fields, plus had 2 Sharp-shinned Hawks in our yard this morning, scaring the feeder birds. Hawk migration is still going on. Broad-winged Hawks have mainly cleared out of New England, but Sharp-shinned, Cooper's and Red-tailed Hawks as well as American Kestrels, Merlins, and more are still coming.
Have a great weekend and see some birds!


Anonymous said...

I think I had one here in Santa Barbara, in my homemade Koi Pond turned into a compost pile. I saw this Hawk hop out of the bottom of the pile and sit watching me for 5 minutes. I was @10-12 feet away. Then it flew a 20 feet up in a nearby tree. Great thrill.

Pat ODonnell said...

Lovely shot of a Northern Harrier! Raptors are passing through in numbers now in Costa Rica- mostly TVs, Broad-winged Hawks Swainsons Hawks, and Falcons. A few harriers make it down here but you have to be lucky to see one!

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