Thursday, September 13, 2012

2,507 Hawks over Pack Monadnock Raptor Migration Observatory, NH, yesterday

Large group of soaring Broad-winged Hawks rising in a thermal.

Adult Broad-winged Hawk

Broad-winged Hawk, juv. soaring over the mountain.

The Broad-winged Hawks were moving yesterday and we saw 2,507 total raptors (2,401 of them Broadwings) over Pack Monadnock Raptor Migration Observatory in NH. Most of the Broad-winged Hawk movement occurred before noon, while there were still good thermals to soar on. In the afternoon, the temps rose and thermal activity dropped and we saw less Broadwings, who need to migrate using rising thermals of warm air. Another highlight was 14 migrating Bald Eagles. There is still more migration to come. Last year a daily record was set on 9/18 when 5,290 migrating raptors flew over Pack. This weekends's weather looks good to produce the kind of weather Broadwings like to migrate on, with northwest winds and cooler temps. On Saturday there will be a NH Audubon event with release of a rehabilitated hawk. 

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