Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Nighthawks, Yes!

Common Nighthawk

Right on schedule, the nighthawks came, they must have read my last post in which I gave tips for finding Common Nighthawks. Last night we counted 26 Common Nighthawks right off our deck. They arrived between 6 pm. and 7 pm. in small groups, flying directly overhead. Interestingly they were moving ahead of a weather front that came in and dropped rain during the night. This is not unusual for nighthawks. Nighthawks feed on insects as they go, and may circle around in a flock, feeding for a while, before they start their migration that day. There are still more nighthawks to migrate and others in NH and MA have been spotting them. Get out and watch, from 5pm to 7:30 pm. is best. Nighthawks usually follow river corridors. Good Luck and if you see some, tell us. If you live in NH or MA, report your sightings here.

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