Friday, April 13, 2012

Prothonotary Warbler beauty

This lovely Prothonotary Warbler came in to the Sanibel lighthouse on migration recently, and first stop was the Strangler Fig tree fruits to refuel. Gotta love that buttery yellow plumage. We just stood and enjoyed watching it feast.
By the way, it's pronounced "pro tho no tary" (not "tory").
These striking warblers nest in wooded swamps and actually nest in cavities. I remember canoeing with Don once in the Pine Barrens of NJ, seeing many Prothonotary Warblers along the route, glowing like flames against the dark wooded edges of the stream.

1 comment:

silvatica said...

It was a pleasure meeting you on Thursday at Lighthouse point. Thanks so much for sharing your tips and birding hotspots with us beginners. Hope to see you sometime at Point Pelee!!
Good birding,
Sarah and Kory Renaud

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