Saturday, April 14, 2012

Baby Owls!

Great Horned Owls

Burrowing Owls

Baby owls are just amazing. We recently got to see both Great Horned Owl and Burrowing Owl young. In both cases, the young were getting old enough to leave their nests soon. You can see them literally stretching their wings.
Great Horned Owls live in trees and do not build a nest, but use the old nest made by another bird. In this case, the nest was made by an Osprey. Burrowing Owls dig a nest burrow in the ground.
We just loved watching the antics of these young owls.


Ruth Hiebert said...

Awww,they are so cute.I love the golden light in the first picture.

NatureStop said...

Greetings from Oman!

Great captures!!!will be back soon.


Janet and Aaron Kirk said...

It was so nice chatting with you "on the birding trail" yesterday, Don and Lillian. After all your decades of birding together, it's fun for us to see both of you get excited hunting for the next Prairie Warbler or Gray Kingbird! We journeyed off to see the Great Horned Owl babies and were immensely rewarded. Thanks, Don and Lillian!

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