Thursday, May 15, 2008


And more warbler eye candy....a Black-throated Green Warbler adult male I photographed at Magee Marsh/Crane Creek boardwalk.


The Zen Birdfeeder said...

Gorgeous bird.

ChrisJ said...

Such great photos! There has not been much bird activity in our yard this week as we have been working out there. Lots of Sparrows and house finches and I did see the back of a Cassins oriole (female because it was quite green), today. And the faithful California towhees are becoming quite brave, picking up the seed from the patio.

The Nomad said...

What beautiful photographs!...

I live in northern NH and I'm about 8 Miles from an active Eagle's nest...I'm super lucky!...Last week I had a pair of rose breasted grosbeaks at my feeder...Also, I've had a few goldfinches come around as of late...

Chickadees, nuthatches, chipping sparrows, white throated sparrows, blue jays, juncos, and hairy & downy woodpecekrs are fairly frequent visitors as well...

I'm still feeding the birds, however, I think I'll start taking the feeders in at night...I don't want to feed the bears, necessarily...

Thanks for sharing all that you share!!...

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