Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Armchair Birding

We often see Bald Eagles on our pond, saw one yesterday, while armchair birding

Armchair birding is part of a birding life. Recently we decided to rearrange some of our furniture and plunk ourselves in front of our big window so we could do more birding in the morning while having coffee. We keep binoculars, spotting scope, field guides and our bird journal handy. We love it! It enables us to do birding before going to work, or when the weather is terrible and we can't go out. It's amazing what you can see if you just keep your binos handy and look out your window at your bird feeders and beyond, even if you do it briefly in the morning while you are making your coffee.

Another part of armchair birding is looking at the internet and living vicariously through all the blog entries, facebook and twitter photos that your friends are posting. However, it does not substitute for the real thing of looking through your binos at real birds.

Armchair birding is now part of our birding life, maybe it can be part of yours too.


Unknown said...

Now that is the life! Interesting to read that you have a field guide handy. I wonder which one?! ;-) Oh, and do you even need a field guide after you've put that one together? When I lived in AZ, I had a great window to my backyard feeders. I could sit at the dining table for hours if my wife and kids let me. I've lived in three homes since then, but none have had the right kind of window set up. One day I'll build my own place designed to enjoy the birds!

Lillian Stokes said...

Good luck on getting your birding dream house.

Kat said...

I am a big fan of "armchair birding."
Thanks for the feedback on the Red Tail Hawk.

Chloe Walker said...

We have a big window in our kitchen and while we're eating breakfast, I can watch the birds at our feeders and in our yard. Like you, we always have our binoculars at our side!

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