Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Property Bird #186 White-winged Crossbill

Yesterday we were outside in the garden and heard and saw a small flock of White-winged Crossbills fly overhead. The call was the confirmation of the ID, as the flock was distant and flew over quickly, before we could run and get our binos. We had read that White-winged Crossbills were being seen and heard by other birders in NH, so we were alert to their possibility and had even been listening to our Stokes Field Guide To Bird Songs CDs to refresh our memories as to what their calls sound like. The preparation paid off, we were able to add them to our property list.
As the saying goes, "chance favors the prepared mind."
Sorry I did not get a photo, but you can see one here.

Other rare birds of note from the region:
People in NH and MA along the coast are seeing Cave Swallows. Cave Swallows breed in FL and the southwest. Cave Swallows are showing up with increasing frequency in the Northeast in the fall. It is thought these birds are from the southwestern breeding population.

A super-rarity, if confirmed, showed up on Mon. at Moonstone Beach, RI. This bird is thought to be a possible Small-billed Elaenia (which would be a first North American Record) or a White-crested Elaenia (which would be a second North American record — one showed up in Texas last Feb.)

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