Friday, April 25, 2008

Morning Moose

This morning, this moose, this magic.

Early this morning we were treated to large moose trotting across our meadow next to the lake. We feel so lucky to live in a place where this can occur. Shot with a 300 mm telephoto from a distance.

Have a nice weekend, go look for some birds, warblers are already being seen in some locations. Yellow-rumped, Black-throated Green and Black-and-white Warblers have already been noted in NH.

If you don't have your hummingbird feeders up yet, get them out. Fill with a 1 part white sugar, to 4 parts water solution that is boiled for 1 min, then cooled. Hummers have been reported from as far north as southern NH, MI and MN. See their migration map here.

See you Monday.


Don and Sher said...

Nice shot, nice memory

Shelley said...

I love the moose! I am hoping to make a trip to Isle Royale this summer to see my first live moose.

The Zen Birdfeeder said...

Great moose!
Hummingbirds haven't arrived yet in our parts of upstate NY. Feeder up and ready!

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