Wednesday, April 16, 2008

100+ Ducks and more

Common Merganser, male

So many birds are here now. Many migrating ducks are on our lake, raptors are migrating through, some songbirds are arriving, life is good! Seen in about the past week here:

2 Bald Eagles (1 ad., 1 imm.)
3 Osprey
3 Northern Harriers ( 1 ad. m., 2 imm.)
1 Sharp-shinned Hawk
1 Turkey Vulture
1 Common Loon
9 Common Goldeneyes
14 Black Ducks
2 Wood Ducks
50+ Common Mergansers
4+ Hooded Mergansers (one f. laying eggs in our nest box)
2+ Mallards
50+ Ring-necked Ducks
25 Canada Geese
1 Northern Shrike
14 Tree Sparrows
1 Fox Sparrows
2 Chipping Sparrows
1 Great Blue Heron
1 American Bittern
30+ Tree Swallows
1 Pine Warbler (ad. m.)
2 Bluebirds
2 Kingfishers
1 Killdeer
2 Ravens
1 Barred Owl
2 American Goldfinches
4 Eastern Phoebes

plus the bird feeder regulars like chickadees, titmice, nuthatches, Red-winged Blackbirds, Downy Woodpeckers, Blue Jays and more.

1 comment:

Mary C said...

Oh, yes! Spring has definitely arrived for you! Thanks for sharing.

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