Friday, January 04, 2008

Irruptive Species, CBCs

Pine Siskin below, American goldfinch above

As the results from the 108th Christmas Bird Count (held Dec.14, 07-Jan.5, 08) come in, it's clear this is a fantastic year for seeing irruptive species of birds. Pine Siskins, Pine Grosbeaks, Common Redpolls and more are being seen widely across the country.
You can go to the results page for the Christmas Bird Counts here and look up the results by state, or by species of bird.
Some of the preliminary results so far:

Pine Siskins are being seen in AZ, NC, OK, KS, IA, ME, MA, NH, CT, IN, AR, IL, TX, VA, NC, CO, CA, MN, and other places.

Pine Grosbeaks are being seen in MA, NH, MI, ME, CO, MT, NY, WI and elsewhere.

Common Redpolls are being seen in CO, WA, MT, MN, WI, OH, IA, IL, RI, PA, NY, MA, ME, NH, CT and more places.

Watch your feeders for Common Redpolls. We had a flock of 12 at our feeders this morning (it's below zero here). Pine Siskins are finches who also like bird feeders filled witn thistle (nyjer) seed and sunflower seed.
Pine Grosbeaks do not usually come to feeders but can be seen in crabapples and other fruiting trees and shrubs.

Photos © Lillian Stokes, 2008


Anonymous said...

There has been an interesting line in Indiana for redpolls. All Indiana redpoll sightings are shown on this map:,-86.264648&spn=2.364887,6.28418&z=7

Owlman said...

Is there a correlation between irruptivee bird movement and raprot movement? Does this mean that Hawk Owls may be moving further south this winter?

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