Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Record-breaking Hawkwatch Day

Pack Monandnock Raptor Migration Observatory hawkwatch site.

A "kettle" (group) of Broad-winged Hawks rising on a thermal. Some were so far away they looked this tiny through binoculars. Often they could only be seen through scopes.

Julie is the official hawk counter for this season and keeps the records.

A closer Broad-winged Hawk thrilled observers.

Don pointing out the location of hawks.

An American Kestrel flies close. Notice the pointed wings and long tail. We identify hawks at a distance by their shape and flight behavior.

Yesterday, Sept. 11, 06 we had a record-breaking hawkwatch day at Pack Monadnock Raptor Migration Observatory in southern NH. How thrilling for us and the other hawkwatchers there. We, and other observers, saw 3,160 hawks pass over our heads, a record day for this site. Most of these, as expected, were Broad-winged Hawks — 3,044 of them. We were also treated to 15 Bald Eagles that day, another record for that site! Other hawks spotted included, Sharp-shinned, Cooper's, Red-shouldered and Red-tailed Hawks, Merlins, American Kestrels, Ospreys and Northern Harriers. The weather is still good for hawk migration so get out to a hawkwatch site today, or just look up.

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