Saturday, September 16, 2006

...and More Hawkwatching

Several migrating Broad-winged Hawks rising on a thermal.

Hawkwatchers searching the sky for hawks.

A dad points out the hawks to his daughter.

This Immature Broad-winged Hawk has multiple thin dark bands on tail, the adult has just a few broad black and white bands on tail.

I have been hawkwatching for over 25 years, and loving every minute of it.

This mom is helping her daughter use the binoculars to find the hawks.

We told you we were going hawkwatching all week! Today was another good day for hawks to move with light northerly winds and clear skies. We went to a southern NH hawkwatch site on Crotched Mountain, sponsored by the Harris Center for Conservation Education. There were many enthusiastic hawkwatchers of all ages. There were still some Broad-winged Hawks migrating, although the biggest push went through on Monday. We also saw lots of American Kestrals, Sharp-shinned and Cooper's Hawks, and Bald Eagles. Those of us who were more experienced (Don and I have been dong this for over 25 years) helped point out birds and answer the questions of less experienced watchers. My favorite images were of the parents who brought their children and helped introduce their kids to the wonders of hawk migration. This is the way to get the next generation hooked on birds and give them an appreciation and understanding of these marvelous creatures and, through this, a desire to participate in bird conservation.

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