Friday, August 18, 2006

Parker River, NWR, Plum Island, MA

Entrance to Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, Plum Island, MA

Observation Tower at Hellcat Wildlife Observation Area in the refuge

Don scanning the pool near the tower

There hundreds of shorebirds and waterfowl

Lillian photogaphing birds at the Salt Pannes with her Canon 1D Mark II camera and 500mm IS lens.

Lesser Yellowlegs reflected in the blue water

We loved watching the feisty Semipalmated Sandpipers chase the Least Sandpipers.

Purples Martins breed at the refuge in summer. This migrant hovered like an avian angel.

We recently went birding at one of our favorite birding hotspots, Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, located on Plum Island near Newburyport, MA. The weather was perfect so we were happy campers. The refuge is on a barrier island and consists of 4,662 acres of superb wildlife habitat with salt marshes, impoundment pools, beaches, and vegetation like Bayberry and Beach Plums. There is a road down the center and you can stop and view birds in the marshes and pools. Above are some of our favorite images from the trip.

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