Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Bird’s Eye View

Most of the time we get less than optimum views of warblers and find ourselves looking at their undertail coverts, or to put it more bluntly, warbler butts. Field guides feature picture perfect side portraits of warblers. Rarely do we see warblers as another bird would see them. Lillian was lucky enough to capture this intimate image of a Yellow-throated Warbler head-on. Must be the way another Yellow-throated Warbler would see it. The throat is like a big, glowing, yellow river, outlined in black.

Yellow-throated Warblers are one of our favorite warblers, living in approximately the lower two thirds of the eastern part of the country. We once had one overshoot its breeding range and appear singing, in our yard in Massachusetts.

Spring is coming and so are the warblers. Use your binos for intimate views.

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