Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Happy 4th of July!!! Red, White and Blue Birds

Northern Cardinal

Great Egret

Indigo Bunting

Eastern Bluebird, male

Flowers from our garden

Here are some red, white and blue birds plus an Eastern Bluebird, male, that gets our vote for most patriotic bird as he has the combined colors in his plumage. Happy Fourth of July! Hope you have a great holiday and see some red, white and blue birds!


Dennis L. Nord, Ph.D. said...

Love the birds in the color scheme! Enjoying your blog!

cindyzlogic said...

Beautiful shots! Love the red, white and blue :-))
Have a happy 4th!

CJL said...

A report from Wheaton, Illinois: We're seeing bluebirds from neighboring Cantigny Park venture over to our suburban yards in recent weeks. Exciting for us and a new bird to add to our "yard list."

Your photos are very patriotic today!

Sharon huber said...

Love the blue bird. We just put up another blue bird house today. All your photos are very nice. I enjoyed them.

Sharon huber said...

Love the blue bird. We just put up another blue bird house today. All your photos are very nice. I enjoyed them.

Sharon huber said...

Love the blue bird. We just put up another blue bird house today. All your photos are very nice. I enjoyed them.

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