Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, property bird #200

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, property bird #200!!! We were just sitting on our deck talking to Henry Walters, ace hawkwatcher and official counter for Pack Monadnock Raptor Migration Observatory, when he spotted this small, blue-gray bird and said "hey isn't that a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher?" The cool thing was this made property bird #200 for us on our list of all the birds we have ever recorded on our property. Not bad for an inland NH site. Coastal NH gets more birds, but we pride ourselves on managing our 48 acre southwestern NH property, which we call Bobolink Farm, to attract the maximum number of birds here. I grabbed the Canon SX 50 and managed to get these record shots.

1 comment:

Martin Blow ( said...

Well done. 200 is a great property total! I wonder what 201 will be. It was good to meet u at sanibel lighthouse in early April when all the indigo buntings and blue grosbeak came in. All the best. Martin, London,UK -

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