Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Moonrise Bird Beauty

Went for a wonderful sunset cruise recently out of Tarpon Bay (nestled within Ding Darling NWR) Sanibel, FL, run by Tarpon Bay Explorers. We saw birds going to roost at sunset and this spectacular moonrise (taken with Canon SX 50 HS camera, photo not cropped. All photos were taken with this camera.)

Tarpon Bay (the setting for the Doc Ford novels by Randy Wayne White) stretches out before you. The pontoon boat we took is at the dock.

We passed this nesting pair of Ospreys atop a pole with a nesting platform. 

Then out to the rookery islands out in the bay where there were hundreds of birds, especially pelicans,

both White Pelicans,

and Brown Pelicans.

The birds were settling in for the night.

 The closer it got to sunset, the more birds flew in including may White Ibis, Snowy Egrets, other herons and more. The birds find safety at night on the islands and also a place to nest.

It was magical as the sun got lower.

and we had a spectacular sunset,

then moonrise. It was awesome being out in nature and experiencing the night ritual of the birds. Just us and them. Go if you can.


William Dykes, TU said...

I really enjoyed reading about your birding experiences Lillian and Don. I thought the title was very creative and the pictures were well taken. The pictures and overall tone remind me about my break over this summer on Sea Island, Ga. There was a nest of Ospreys right outside my window, which was on a nesting platform as well. There is a really cool "bird island" in the park next to the school I am currently attending, Tulane University, which nests all kinds of egrets and herons. Keep on blogging about your experiences!

-William Dykes
A.B. Freeman School of Business
Tulane University

Kevin said...

I think this series of photos really captures the beauty and tranquility of Sanibel, not to mention the abundance of cool birds. I've been there twice, and I'm eager for another trip next year!

Niger seed said...

I live in the subburbs and I watch the sun set almost every day and its really beautiful. I dont see much birds though but some times I do. Love the scene.

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