Tuesday, January 01, 2013

What Was Your First Bird of the Year?

Red-shouldered Hawk, adult

Ours was a Red-shouldered Hawk, calling at dawn. It's always so exciting to think you have another whole year to see lots of birds. Just the anticipation of what may show up, what unexpected surprise bird will arrive in your yard, or what rare bird you will see while out birding somewhere, is enough to lift ones spirits and bring a glow of birding hope. What was your first bird of 2013?


Ruth Hiebert said...

My first bird was a Red-breasted Nuthatch.Hope it will be a good birding year.

Unknown said...

My first bird was a Tufted Titmouse, common, but I sure love them . I too,look forward to what the year brings by way of birds. Happy New Year to you!

Unknown said...

My first bird of 2013 was a Dark-eyed Junco, feeding on the ground below my feeders, up here in Cleveland, Ohio. I ended the first day with 36 species, seen around the vicinity of my house. I ended 2012 with 326 species. How many species did you guys see during the year? I enjoy your blog and if you want, you can check out mine: jrbirder.com. Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

House finch

Anonymous said...

House finch

Nancy said...

Mine was a Downy Woodpecker at the suet here in cold, snowy PA.

Anonymous said...

Mine was an American Crow, and that may not be a good thing.

Wallestads said...

I never thought about making a note of my first bird of the year...I will now! Mine was something at our feeder. I'll go with Black-Capped Chickadee as they are one of my favorites.

Sam Brunson said...

Mine was a Carolina Chickadee in Georgia.

Richard said...

Two hen Pheasants.

Larry said...

A Horned Lark in Massachusetts

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