Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Bald Eagle Moment

We are in our winter home on Sanibel Island, FL and, visible from our backyard, we have had this magnificent Bald Eagle frequenting a perch on a large Australian Pine. She (females are larger and have larger head and bill) comes there each morning and evening. As you can see, this morning she was preening, perhaps because she is sitting on a nest and incubating, then leaves to take a break to groom and go feed. This may be the eagle from the pair that traditionally nested behind the Dairy Queen, but moved their nest last year. We shall see. Stay tuned. Meanwhile, we were just thrilled this am to have this special moment with the eagle.
Photos with the Canon SX 40 HS, from a distance.


Ruth Hiebert said...

Amazing pictures. I love Bald Eagles,just something majestic about them.

Janet and Aaron Kirk said...

Beautiful, beautiful shots, Lillian! Your blog is always so interesting and informative. By the way, it's nice to have you and Don back in town!

Janet and Aaron Kirk

Dan Huber said...

wonderful shots!

warriormom said...

Beautiful! Enjoy your winter in Sanibel. I'll try not to be too envious.

Joni James said...

Beautiful! It is a blessing to have them around. I have a pair here in Indiana nesting near my home. Surprisingly they are nesting with human activity near. It is on a fish hatchery property and I can view their nest from my window. This will be their 6th consecutive year to nest here in 2013. Thanks for sharing!

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