Saturday, November 17, 2012

Say's Phoebe, First State Record for NH!

It was way far away and had flown
behind the other side of the buildings and the chain link fence. Don is looking for it.

Just got back from seeing New Hampshire's first state record of a Say's Phoebe, a bird from the West, far out of it's usual range here in NH. It was found by Chris Borg at the Penacook, NH wastewater treatment plant. Pardon the photos, when we got there it had flown farther back into the wastewater treatment plant, too far for decent photos with my usual high end Canon gear which I had with me. So I did what I could with the Canon SX 40 HS camera, the little superzoom point-and-shoot which zooms out and can magnify things up to 140x, albeit with grainy photos at that distance. In this case having that camera with me meant the difference between getting less than ideal record shots, or no photos at all. It was a very cool little bird to see.


Chloe said...

That's a great find for up there. A Say's was actually in Tennessee (where we live) this past February. Once you get a good look at it, you can definetely tell it's not an Eastern!

Bugman said...

I think this was originally found bt Chris Borg, no? If so, I think he's a Florida transplant. I birded with him when he lived near Tallahassee I believe.

Scott Simmons said...

I just found my first in FL yesterday.

Lillian Stokes said...

Congratulations, Scott, very cool bird!

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