Sunday, April 22, 2012

Fallout, Sanibel Lighthouse

Every birder dreams of fallout. Today dreams came true at Sanibel Lighthouse park where neotropical migrant birds were pouring in, in historic numbers. A big weather front came through the Gulf of Mexico, migrants came behind it, then got slammed with the strong NW winds which grounded them. The fallout went on all day and will likely continue tomorrow as there are still strong winds.
Here are some of the photos I took, giving a small taste of the amazing and colorful parade of birds. You could see many species just in one tree. Summer Tanagers, like this male, were everywhere.

14 warbler species, including this Magnolia Warbler zipped around.

Many Eastern Kingbirds flew in.

Scarlet Tanagers flocked in the trees.

The most abundant species was Indigo Bunting. There must have been hundreds of them. Everywhere you looked there were spots of blue.

Baltimore Orioles ate the fruits of the fig trees, as did many migrants.

Orchard Orioles filled the trees with the Baltimores.

Rose-breasted Grosbeaks came in numbers.

This secretive Yellow-billed Cuckoo hid in a tree, delighting the many birders who were there.

Tennessee Warblers were in multiples.

This Black-and-white Warbler worked over a tree trunk.

HIdden in the underbrush, a Northern Waterthrush hung out by one of the water pools made by the rains.

Multiple Dickcissels were seen. We had Warblers, Kingbirds, Vireos, Tanagers, Orioles, Buntings, Grosbeaks, Thrushes, including Gray-cheeked and Wood Thrushes and a Veery. It was an amazing, amazing day, and it's still going on. Word has it that much of the west coast of Florida experienced this fallout today. Get out tomorrow.


Luis said...

Wow!!! What a banquet. I have a vacation planned at Sanibel Island but it is still a month away. Am afraid there will be nothing left when we arrived there. But thanks for giving us a taste.

LNMP298 said...

Wow is right! That is quite a magnificent mix of birds! I can't wait to see them as they migrate northward.

I hope to visit Sanibel Island someday.

Kathie Brown said...

How I would love to be here! I am up here in Massachusetts just waiting for some of these beauties to arrive!

Diane and Gary said...

All we can say is Wish we were there!

Linda said...

I am TOTALLY jealous!

Lillian Stokes said...

Wish you all had been there too!

Kevin said...

Wow, what an experience that must have been. Hope you wished them luck in their northward journey. Thanks for the great pics to enjoy.

Gail said...

Can't tell you how much we enjoyed meeting you and sharing this fantastic event! Life Birds everywhere! Thank you both for all your help! Next day we saw a Black-billed Cuckoo, Veery, Lincoln Sparrow and many, many more!

Scott Simmons said...

I never made it there, but great pics! It's nice at least to see the photos.

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