Thursday, June 07, 2007

Blogger Phoebe

Don't tell Lillian I'm at her computer doing my own blog entry. Enough about birds and the Stokes, there should be more about me!

Speaking of me, did you know I recently completed a course in doggie Advanced Obedience. Truth be told, it was really about training Lillian to know how to communicate better with me. I don't need any obedience training 'cuz I'm perfect.

My favorite spot is on the comfy green couch and my favorite hobby is chewing. I especially like raw hide chews, and marrow bones. I chew a lot 'cause I'm still young, only 10 months old.

My other favorite activity is prowling in the garden, looking for chipmunks and those pesky red squirrels, which I chase. Not birds, though. I'm smart enough to know that it would be a very bad idea if Lillian and Don caught me chasing birds.

Tasha Tudor moment here. She is that charming children's author that populates her books with lots of Corgi's, showing them smelling flowers, chasing butterflies, etc. Of course, note that she chose Corgis to illustrate, not other breeds, 'cuz we're so darn cute! Don't think just because we're cute we're pushovers. We're bred to be herding dogs. We can run very fast on our short legs and nip the heels of cattle to herd them. We're smart and strong-willed, but willing to be great companions to nice people. Upcoming Corgi events of note are, June 11-15, the Mayflower Pembroke Welsh Corgi Speciality dog show, where you can see Corgis from all over New England. My brother is a show dog and will be there. In Sept. 27-30 there is the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America National Specialty show where Corgis from all across America compete. These are great events to go to if you are interested in learning more about Corgis.

Till later, this is,

Blogger Phoebe signing off, "Woof!"


Anonymous said...

Dear Phoebe,
You are as cute as can be and so is your blog ! I hope to hear more from you in the future.

NatureWoman said...

Oh Phoebe, you are so cute, and I especially love the Tasha Tudor moment, as I love Tasha Tudor and her corgis. Hope to see you back again soon!

Anonymous said...

Cutest thing ever! Love Phoebe and love Tasha Tudor!

RuthieJ said...

What a sweet puppy! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Deer Phoebe,

We are free corgees dat wib in Pencilbania. We use ourownmammas waptop, too! We bewong to a Yahooly wist dat onlee da corgees can tawk on. It iz cawwed corgese-l. We fink dat ewe shud join us - we go on wots ob adbenchures and hab wots ob fun. We went to see da Qween and her corgees and we went to baseyball games and just eberywheres. We do this in cyber's space, butt (no tail) it is stiww fun.

We fink dat yourownmamma shud hab more Phoebe Bwogs! Do ewe get to go to Dairy Qween fur icy cweem? We wiww be at da Corgee Nashunal, miemamma haz to werk at da obeedeeyence stuffs.

We hope to see ewe on da widdle wist!

Fwetch (Fletch), Hawwy (Harry) & Mawgawet (Margaret)

Lillian Stokes said...

Hi Everyone,
Thanks for commenting on my blog post, I will try to do more in the future, when Lillian is not looking. Fletch, Harry and Margaret, you sound like fun Corgis, but you talk funny. Don and Lillian take me to get ice cream up the road at the special ice cream stand where they have "doggie ice cream cups", they are ice cream with a big dog biscuit on top. I like Vanilla. Yum. Maybe I will see you sometime at one of the dog shows.
Until then,
Bow-wow! from Phoebe

Laurie Eno said...

Hi there!

I love your Corgis, they are something else!

It would be great if I could feature them on my blog The Daily Corgi (

This would mean posting a few of your blog photos and gathering some information from you for a short bio write-up.

Please let me know your thoughts on this ... I'd be excited to feature them on The Daily Corgi!


Laurie Eno

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