Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Olde Thyme

Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge

Roseate Spoonbills, Herons and Mangroves

It's amazing what your point and shoot camera may do if you get it off the "auto" mode. My little Canon A620 PowerShot camera has a setting called "Sepia". I took these photos last evening in Ding Darling NWR. They look like something taken out of an ancient scrapbook, showing the way it was in the "olde tymes", when the mangroves stretched on forever and were full of birds.

Here's how to find the "sepia" setting on the Canon Powershot. Turn the camera past the "Auto" mode and onto one of the creative modes such as AV (aperture priority). Push the Function Set button and then scroll down thru the menu on the left until you get to the fourth choice. It will say "Effect Off" with other choices appearing with it, such as vivid, neutral, low sharpening, sepia, and black and white. Scroll right to the "sepia" choice, push the function set button to lock it in, then take your photo. If you have another type of digital point and shoot you may have that setting. You may, gulp, have to read your manual to find it, or, do as I did, play with your cameras settings to see what you can find. If you are using a digital SLR camera, you can obtain a sepia look to your digital photo by using Adobe Photoshop Elements or Photoshop CS. Have Fun.

Photos © Lillian Stokes, 2007


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this post - I have the same Canon Powershot and also a larger Canon Rebel and telephoto lens but I never had used the sepia settings - thanks so much, I must try it - I really enjoy this blog. Thanks again. Cheers.

Unknown said...

(Blogger was burping earlier so I apologize if my comment shows up 3 times!)

Cool sepia pictures! Users of iPhoto on the Macintosh can also create sepia (and B&W) pictures. Go to edit and it's a one click operation!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting camera tips - you're the one, through Julie Z.'s blog that got me looking at my camera features more. Thank you so much!
I just shot some sepia photos and I feel like I'm working in the archives! Thank you once again!

Lillian Stokes said...

Sepia is a wonderful effect, so old fashioned. I love finding new ways to experiment with all the cameras I own. Glad I can inspire some of you to do the same.


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