Thursday, February 08, 2007

Lift Up

This Bald Eagle was sitting on a branch and I was photographing it with a 500mm plus 2 x teleconverter lens. I anticipated its take off and pushed the button just in time to capture this, the very levitated instant of release. It so makes me think of the profound difference between birds and us. Birds can fly; our feet are always bound to the branch. But our spirits and imagination lift up when we see an image like this.

Photo © Lillian Stokes, 2007


Anonymous said...

Outstanding shot. WOW!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a gorgeous photo Lillian!

Larry said...

That might be the most perfect Eagle photo I've ever seen. An artist couldn't paint a better pose.

dguzman said...

Amazing. Way to anticipate. I'm still working on that.

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