Friday, February 16, 2007

Just Because

Snowy Egret at sunset

White Pelicans at sunset

Great Egret on a cold early morning

Sunset Great Egret flying

I'm posting some of my recent photo images...
just because I feel like it,
just because it's fun for me to share my images with all of you.

Photos © Lillian Stokes, 2007


dguzman said...

Thank you for sharing your photos and your knowledge for all these years!

Drew said...

These great photos really show what light can do for a composition. Beautiful.

drew from Nemesis Bird

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I enjoy your photos and the Stokes Birding Blog. The blog has so much to offer: teaching, photos, narrative, cute puppies, and it is very nice of you to take us along on trips! Congratulations on a full year of blogging!

Anonymous said...

I love your photos! Thank you for sharing them with us!

Anonymous said...

Great Photos... what kind of camera do you use again Lillian? Cannon right?

Anytime you want to share some more photo tips, please do so.

Do you do a lot of post processing in Photoshop? Any other plugins that you use?

Mike McDowell said...

Stunning photographs!

Mike M.

Lillian Stokes said...

Thanks, all. I have two Canon 1D Mark II camera bodies and I use Canon 500 mm IS (image stabilized) lens and also the Canon 300 MM IS f.4 lens for flight photography. I often use the 1.4 teleconverter with the 300 mm lens and either a 1.4 or 2 x teleconverter with the 500 mm lens. I shoot in RAW and process the photos in Photoshop CS. I will give more photo tips in the future.


Susan said...

I'm glad it's fun for you, because it's fun for us to view your beautiful photos!

Unknown said...

I love, love, love egrets so there is no need to justify them. Thanks for sharing them!

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