Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Gray Day Peli

It has been gray and cool with a little rain here, not the best for photography, so what can you photograph on a gray day? I was wondering the same thing when we were in Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge. Then I saw this Brown Pelican swimming. The pattern of the silvered sky reflections on the dark water reminded me of the patterns of the silvery feathers on the pelican's wings and body. A gray day Peli floating on silver leaves. Sometimes photography is about being aware of the composition in front of you, rather than wishing for what's not there.

Photo © Lillian Stokes, 2007


Anonymous said...

Lillian, that is such a wonderful photo, it could be a stamp!

Lillian Stokes said...

It would be a good stamp, wouldn't it? It could be a "bird stamp", just like the "duck stamp". The federal "duck stamp" is something hunters must purchase, and the proceeds go to habitat preservation. The duck stamp will also give you a year's pass to visit any National Wildlife Refuge, so we encourage birders to buy a duck stamp. We were actually once judges for the national duck stamp contest, held once a year, and got to choose the winning painting. It was of a Barrow's Goldeneye.

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